Welcome to the Disney built town of Celebration, Florida.

The town of Celebration was developed in the nineties by the Disney Development Company and continues to grow. The town is truly a celebration of architecture, public space, color, and nature. It's a celebration of sensible values, good community and the best of small-town life.


Residential neighborhoods radiate out from the downtown business district in a plan that allows for a variety of house types and mixed-income neighborhoods. Front porches mediate between streets and houses, garages are located off mid-block alleys, keeping sidewalks pedestrian-friendly.


Celebration homes are designed according to the town's Residential Architectural Guidelines, ensuring an appropriately Southern character.


Apart from its imaginative design and proximity to the Walt Disney World Resort, the town of Celebration is known for not allowing short term rentals.  This ensures a peaceful, family-friendly community inhabited only by residents instead of transient vacationers.


All of our homes are uniquely located within walking distance of the Celebration downtown area where shopping, dining and community services are available. Our homes are recently updated, painstakingly maintained and thoroughly cleaned before every move-in.

The Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow

In 1966, with the success of Disneyland in California behind him, Walt Disney began to think of himself as an urban planner as much as an entertainer. As a result, in addition to Magic kingdom, he devoted considerable attention to designing a utopian city on the 28,000 acres of Central Florida land he had assembled.